Sunday, February 22, 2009

MySpace: Hack to Download Any Song on MySpace — XML Method

The original hack worked well, but now that MySpace fixed the way the song is stored, here is the DIRECT link to the mp3 file. Bear in mind, however, that the streaming file is always of lesser quality than the one they allow you to download. (96kbit vs 192kbit)

All we need to do is get the XML file that the player loads and reads. The easiest way to do this is to clear your IE cache, reload the player from the band’s site, and look for the XML file that gets created in your cache directory. The XML file may not be easy to spot without a clean cache directory. The file generally follows this naming convention:
MP3_XML.cfm?xmlfid=bandid&rand=xxxxxxxxxx (10 digit random number)

Cut and paste that XML file onto your desktop and open it wth Notepad.

Once you look in the XML file you will see the direct path of the mp3 song. For example: “92/12/57836332/57836332_d13db5fz.mp3″ (this is an invalid link — just an example)

After this, append that directory to and you’re golden. For example,″

The streaming file is always 96kbit quality, while their downloadable songs are at 192kbit. I tested this using, since they have a song available for download. Their downloaded one is 192 and their streamed one, once I grab it using the method described, is only 96. Just an FYI!
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