Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MySpace Layout: Put a Border around your Profile

This quick tutorial will show users how to place a border around their entire myspace page.

Placing a nice border around a myspace profile is always a fun way to make your page unique.

If you have never edited your myspace profile before, you might want to check out this tutorial about where to place the myspace codes:
MySpace: Tutorial to Theme and Customize Your Layout

In the about me section paste the following:

<style>body{border-style:solid; border-top-width:50px; border-bottom-width:50px; border-left-width:50px; border-right-width:50px; border-color:blue;}<style>

That code will paste a huge ugly blue border around your entire profile. Literally, it will paste a solid, 50px wide, blue border.

Instead of border-style:solid you could use these common border styles instead: double, dashed, dotted.

(Please note that IE doesn’t support any border other than solid very well.)

In order to change the width, just change the 50px to whatever size you would want. 10px, for example, would be less painful.

If you don’t want a border on all four sides, just remove the associated border or borders that you don’t want. In the above example, if you did not want a bottom border, you would just delete the border-bottom-width:50px; section of the code.

Lastly, you can change the color to any color you wish. If you wanted the border to be black, for example, you would change your color code to be either of the following: border-color:black or border-color:#000000

The color can be traditional color names (such as blue, red, white, etc) or html color codes.

Here are more examples:

Double-Red 10px Border (Seen best in firefox):

<style>body{border-style:double; border-top-width:10px; border-bottom-width:10px; border-left-width:10px; border-right-width:10px; border-color:red;}</style>

Black border on left and right only:

<style>body{border-style:solid; border-left-width:15px; border-right-width:15px; border-color:black;}</style>

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