Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MySpace: View Profile Without CSS, Custom Styling, or Theme

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One of the painful things about myspace is the horrible themes that people use. The custom html and css makes some profiles very difficult to read. Here is how to read them without that custom css.
For music reasons, I need to visit myspace a lot. Connecting with fellow musicians is one of the big pluses for myspace. However, many people use the custom CSS to style their pages. While they are suppose to look cool, often it just makes the pages unreadable.
Here are several ways that you can turn the custom styling off:
Using Firefox Alone:
1. Pull up the page you want to view

2. Click View Menu

3. Click Page Style

4. Pick No Style

IE Developer Toolbar:

1. Download IE Developer Toolbar Beta 2 or Greater

2. When you want to view a myspace page without css…

3. Click Disable in the toolbar

4. Click All CSS

5. When you leave myspace, turn CSS back on.

Firefox Web Developer Extension:
1. Download and install the extension

2. When you want to view a myspace page without css…

3. Click Disable in the toolbar

4. Select Disable Styles

5. Select All Styles

6. When you leave myspace, turn CSS back on.

Note: If you have the firefox web developer extension installed, you can also use this shortcut to turn on/off styles: CTRL+SHIFT+S
Firefox with Greasemonkey:
1. Download and install the greasemonkey extension

2. Download and install the myspace custom style remover

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MySpace: Change Personal Profile to a Band Profile

After starting a profile on myspace, it can be difficult to figure out how to enable the additional band profile features. Following this URL will convert your profile into a band profile.
When I first signed up for myspace, I never thought that I would actually want to put some of my personal music there. However, now many of my friends have been begging to hear some of my tunes.
How do I change my personal profile into a band profile?
Just log into myspace and then click on this link:
You will immediately see the band-related options.
Sweet, huh?
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MySpace: HTML/CSS Hack to Hide Your Friends Section

If you are not a friend-sponge, remove your friend section. Here’s all the html code you need to kill that section.
1. Log into MySpace
2. Click the Home link
3. Click the Edit Profile Link
4. Paste this code into the About Me Section

     <style type="text/css">

td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table .orangetext15, td.text
td.text .redlink, td.text td.text span.btext {display:none;}

td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}

td.text td.text table {background-color:transparent}


5. Click the Save All Changes button at the bottom
To view, click Home link and then click View My Profile.

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MySpace Layout: Put a Border around your Profile

This quick tutorial will show users how to place a border around their entire myspace page.

Placing a nice border around a myspace profile is always a fun way to make your page unique.

If you have never edited your myspace profile before, you might want to check out this tutorial about where to place the myspace codes:
MySpace: Tutorial to Theme and Customize Your Layout

In the about me section paste the following:

<style>body{border-style:solid; border-top-width:50px; border-bottom-width:50px; border-left-width:50px; border-right-width:50px; border-color:blue;}<style>

That code will paste a huge ugly blue border around your entire profile. Literally, it will paste a solid, 50px wide, blue border.

Instead of border-style:solid you could use these common border styles instead: double, dashed, dotted.

(Please note that IE doesn’t support any border other than solid very well.)

In order to change the width, just change the 50px to whatever size you would want. 10px, for example, would be less painful.

If you don’t want a border on all four sides, just remove the associated border or borders that you don’t want. In the above example, if you did not want a bottom border, you would just delete the border-bottom-width:50px; section of the code.

Lastly, you can change the color to any color you wish. If you wanted the border to be black, for example, you would change your color code to be either of the following: border-color:black or border-color:#000000

The color can be traditional color names (such as blue, red, white, etc) or html color codes.

Here are more examples:

Double-Red 10px Border (Seen best in firefox):

<style>body{border-style:double; border-top-width:10px; border-bottom-width:10px; border-left-width:10px; border-right-width:10px; border-color:red;}</style>

Black border on left and right only:

<style>body{border-style:solid; border-left-width:15px; border-right-width:15px; border-color:black;}</style>

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MySpace Hack: View Pictures and Comments on a Private Profile

This code (hack) will allow a user to view pictures and comments on a private profile.
This hack no longer works. This hole has been fixed by myspace.
These hacks will allow you to view pictures and comments on a private MySpace profile.
First, you must find the ID for the myspace profile. In the hacks below, include it where you see the following… insertID
To view pictures in a private profile:
To view comments in a private profile:
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Monday, February 23, 2009

MySpace: How Do I Remove a Comment that I Left?

Suffering from myspace comment regret syndrome? Has your hacked myspace account spammed your friends and you want to clean up the mess? Although leaving a comment is certainly easy enough, deleting a comment is not obvious. Here is how to do it….
A buddy of mine recently had her myspace account hacked. Her compromised account was then used to spam all of her friends with not-so-nice posts. She buzzed me and asked me how to fix it.
How to delete one’s own comments on myspace is not intuitive.
1. Log into Myspace

2. Go to your friend’s account that contains the comment or comments that you want to remove.

3. In the comment section, click View All

4. Find the comment you left. Click Delete My Comment

5. Confirm the deletion.
If your account has been hacked, visit all of your friends one by one and delete the offending posts.
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How To Put a YouTube Video on Your MySpace Page

See a video on YouTube that you would like to have on your MySpace page? By following this recipe, you can easily add the video to your blog in no time.
1. Find the YouTube video you wish to add to your MySpace page.
2. Select the Embed textbox and copy the highlighted code.
3. Go to MySpace and login.
4. Click Manage Blog.
5. Click Post New Blog.
6. Input an appropriate Subject.
7. Click the link for If you can’t input your Blog, click here in the Body section.
8. Past the YouTube Embed video code in the textarea in the Body section.
9. You need to keep only the portion of the code starting with
<embed src=

and ending with </embed>

Example: <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/t8KfdYgE1Uc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>

10. Preview your posting to verify that the video shows properly and post.

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MySpace: Hide Personal Information (age, sex, location, etc) with CSS/HTML Hack

Make MySpace a little less personal. You can use this quick and easy little hack to remove the personal information box from your myspace profile.
Why would I want this type of information to show? Too personal for me.
Male22 years OLD ABELTON, SOUTH CAROLINA(United States)
Sex, age, location? Let’s get rid of that stuff from our profile page.
1. Edit Profile
2. In the About Me section paste the following code:

<style type="text/css">table td.text {visibility:hidden;}td.text td, td.text
span, td.text a {visibility:visible;}</style>

3. Click Save All Changes

For Profile 2.0
Put this code into your css section. How to put a code in CSS
H1.profileFullName, LI#adr, LI.Lastlogin, DIV.interestsModule, DIV.detailsModule{
display: none;

H1.profileFullName For your profile full name.
LI#adr For your address.
LI.Lastlogin For last log in Information.
DIV.interestsModule For interests table.
DIV.detailsModule For Your details table.
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MySpace: Remove or Hide the Contact Box in your Profile

The contact box is so weak. Here’s how to kill it.
The contact box on myspace is so useless and ugly. One of the first things many profile hackers do is to kill it. Following these directions will allow you to hide it without any side-effects.
1. Click Edit Profile
2. Click Edit for the About Me box
3. Paste this code in:
<style type="”text/css”">.contactTable {display: none;}</style>
4. Click Preview and then Submit5. Click View My Profile to see your awesome work!
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MySpace: How to Hide and Make a Profile Private

Are you tired of people getting too much information about you from your myspace account? Here’s a quick fix to make your profile private.
I am a big friend of myspace; however, many people give out way too much information on their account. If you would like to hide your account from everybody but your friends, you should make your profile private.
If you know somebody is searching myspace looking for information on you, this is a quick way to hide without removing everything in your myspace account.
Disclaimer: To do this, you just set your age below 16. If you lie about your age, you always risk that myspace may kick you off. I have never heard of that occuring, but take your own chances.
1. Log into Myspace

2. Click Home link

3. Click Edit Profile link

4. Click Basic Info tab

5. Click EDIT

6. Change the date to make you less than 16.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

MySpace: How To Cancel Your Account

If you have found that MySpace just isn’t for you, you can cancel your account. MySpace makes you go through quite a few steps to complete the cancellation process, but it is very simple to do with these instructions.
1. Go MySpace and login to your account.
2. Go to the upper-right corner, beneath the search and select My Account.
3. From the Settings menu, select Account.4. Scroll down to the Account Cancellation section and select Cancel Account.
5. Use the appropriate radio button to select the reason for having your account cancelled and click the Cancel My Account button.

6. If a Did You Know box appears, click the No Thanks button and click the Cancel My Account button again.
7. Under Confirm Account Cancellation, input any comments and then click the Cancel My Account button.
8. An account cancellation request will be sent to your email address.
9. Upon receiving the email, click the included link to complete the cancellation process. If you have decided to keep your account at this point, simply delete the email message and don’t click the link.
10. The link will take you to the Account Cancellation page. Go down to the Confirm Account Cancellation section and click the Cancel My Account button.
You will see a page confirming that your account will be scheduled for cancellation. The cancellation process can take up to 48 hours.
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MySpace: Hack to Download Any Song on MySpace — XML Method

The original hack worked well, but now that MySpace fixed the way the song is stored, here is the DIRECT link to the mp3 file. Bear in mind, however, that the streaming file is always of lesser quality than the one they allow you to download. (96kbit vs 192kbit)

All we need to do is get the XML file that the player loads and reads. The easiest way to do this is to clear your IE cache, reload the player from the band’s site, and look for the XML file that gets created in your cache directory. The XML file may not be easy to spot without a clean cache directory. The file generally follows this naming convention:
MP3_XML.cfm?xmlfid=bandid&rand=xxxxxxxxxx (10 digit random number)

Cut and paste that XML file onto your desktop and open it wth Notepad.

Once you look in the XML file you will see the direct path of the mp3 song. For example: “92/12/57836332/57836332_d13db5fz.mp3″ (this is an invalid link — just an example)

After this, append that directory to http://musicstream.myspace.com and you’re golden. For example,

The streaming file is always 96kbit quality, while their downloadable songs are at 192kbit. I tested this using www.myspace.com/monstersarewaiting, since they have a song available for download. Their downloaded one is 192 and their streamed one, once I grab it using the method described, is only 96. Just an FYI!
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MySpace: Hack to Dowload Any Song on Myspace

MySpace allows you to listen to a lot of songs; however, only a few of them can be downloaded.

Mysace allows you to listen to a lot of music, but they only allow you to dowload a select few of the songs. Here is the work around.
1. Goto the Mysace site that you want to download the music from
2. That page must have at least one song available for download
3. Open notepad
4. Right-click the download link and select copy Link
5. Paste this link into your notepad
You see something like this:
http://mp3dowload.mysace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction= bandprofile.dowloadSong&bsid=OldSongNumberHere&song_name= Title of the Old Song Here &fid=bandid
6. Right-click the add link and select copy link
7. Paste this into your notepad
You will see something like this:
asfunction:addSong,NewSongNumber^Title of the New Song Here
8. Now in the original URL just replace the old song number and old title with the new number and title. Paste this URL into your browser and click OK.
9. After several seconds, you will be prompted to download the song.
Here’s an example:Site: http://www.mysace.com/monstersarewaiting
The one dowloadable song Christine…
http://mp3dowload.mysace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction= bandprofile.dowloadSong&bsid=535475&song_name=Christine&fid=7570106

The add link to Don’t Go…
asfunction:addSong,2373353^Don%27t%20Go^Monsters %20Are%20Waiting%2E%2E%2E%2E%2E%2E

The new hacked URL…
http://mp3dowload.mysace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction= bandprofile.dowloadSong&bsid=2373353&song_name= Don%27t%20Go^Monsters%20Are%20Waiting%2E%2E%2E%2E%2E%2E&fid=7570106

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MySpace: Download Any Song for Free — Again!

Here Is another method for downloading music from myspace for free. As myspace wants to soon charge for music, I wonder how long before this is patched.
Hacking myspace to download music has long been a fun challenge. Previously authors here on tech-recipes have described two other methods for grabbing music files off of myspace. Both of these methods have since been patched by myspace.
Original Hack
XML Variation Hack
Here is the newest hack called MySpace MP3 Gopher Or Replay Media Catcher. This works for files that have not been marked for download as well.
1. You may download the files from here. It doesn’t need installation.(Replay Media Catcher)

2. Then input the FriendID from the profile you want to get the music. Often the quickest way to do it is just to mouse over one of the profile links:

3. Click Get Song Listing
4. Double-click the file you want

5. Click Download6. Wait for the file.

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MySpace: Tutorial to Theme and Customize Your Layout

You can make your myspace area look anyway you want with the use of css coding. However, finding where to place this css can be confusing. This shows you where to edit your layout.
Tons of sites give you examples for unique css myspace templates. However, where to place your css code is not obvious. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough.
1. Log-in to your site
2. Click the Home link
3. Once the home page loads, click the Edit Profile link

4. Click the Interests and Personality link

5. Click the Edit link of the About Me line

6. Input your css code or paste in your template into the About Me box and click Preview button
If you want some Layout Codes or Background Codes then Click Here.
If you want to customize your layout in your style then read this tutorial Exploring MySpace Layout and see this page for more help.
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